Ribbond® Refuerzos Endodonticos Ribbond

Férula Periodontal

Férula periodontal en Tipodonto

Ribbond es quizás la fibra más conocida para la fabricación de férulas periodontales. Las férulas Ribbond son fuertes, con una alta adhesión y estéticas. Ferulizar con Ribbond cuesta menos tiempo que con métodos tradicionales, es más estética, menos voluminosa y es excepcionalmente resistente a la fractura.

Ribbond tiene un historial bien marcado y documentado de éxito. Hay multitud de artículos sobre este procedimiento, incluyendo un estudio de 96 meses escrito por el Dr. Howard Strassler.

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Técnica férula

Measure the length of the periodontal splint with the dead soft tinfoil included in the Ribbond kit. Cut the fibers to the corresponding length.
Cortar Ribbond
Wet the Ribbond with Ribbond Wetting Resin or an unfilled adhesive bonding resin that does not contain solvents or dentin primers.
Humedecer Ribbond
Apply a bead of Ribbond Securing Composite or filled composite to the etched tooth surfaces where the periodontal splint will be placed.
Aplicar el composite
Starting at one end, push the Ribbond fibers through the composite and closely adapt them to the surfaces of the teeth.
Adaptar Ribbond
Using your fingers and an composite instrument continue adapting the Ribbond fibers closely against the teeth including deep into the interproximal contacts.
Adaptar zonas interproximales
After curing the splint, cover the fibers with a layer of flowable composite to make the splint smooth. Do not use rotary instruments to polish the splint. The fibers must be covered with a thin layer of composite.
Aplicar capa de alisado
The completed Ribbond Periodontal Splint is thin, aesthetic, and durable.
Férula periodontal terminada

Ribbond España

Avd. de Francia, 17 esc C pta 6 piso 3
46023 Valencia - España

email: info@sasexclusivasdentales.es

Telf.:  96 331 81 10
© 2014 Ribbond Distribuidor SAS EXCLUSIVAS DENTALES, S.L. Derechos reservados.